Friday, October 1, 2010

Leaving on a Jet Plane

Have you ever just wanted to log onto, buy a ticket somewhere and just GO!? It feels like every single weekend this fall, I have had this crazy urge to charge $700, spend one night in a town I've never been to, and enjoy the adventure along with it.

But, I don't have $700. I don't have the ability to leave my job whenever I want. and... I don't think I have the nerve to do that.

I find that sewing allows me a lot of time to dream and talk with God. The steam of the iron provides me a great backing track for stupid, silly songs. The slicing of my rotary cutter through layers of fabric allows me to vent my frustration about where life is right now. The *click *whir *click of my sewing machine gives me a chance to cry and really submit my future to the ONE who knows it already. I love sewing. I love knowing I'm creating something. But there are days I wonder if God gave me this passion to work on me.

I often imagine myself as a new piece of fabric from the store. I'm pretty, fun colored and invoke some kind of inspiration for the purchaser... but that's just the beginning. I need to be washed, dried, ironed, and then who knows if I'll be made into anything right away.

Right now, I feel like I'm in that stage. I've been purchased, washed, dried, and ironed, but now I'm just sitting on a shelf while my creator thinks of something beautiful to do with me. Do I fear that I will become that piece of fabric that somehow gets forgotten? Sometimes... but then I remember that my God does not forget.

So, while I sew, I learn that I am just waiting... waiting for God to make me into something that He knows is going to be beautiful and purposeful. Until then, I will just continue my silly songs, and honest conversations with God, knowing He has a plan. and maybe, just maybe, He'll make me more spontaneous so I can leave on a jet plane whenever I want.

Off to the Minneapolis for the weekend. Then... the sweatshop of doom begins in countdown for October 11th!

1 comment:

  1. I love this. :)

    I don't go on Priceline, because I just hate flying. I do, however, go visit travel websites for different cities and plan trips that I don't get to go on yet. haha
