Monday, November 29, 2010


Wow, insane week home in Minneapolis. There was snow, family, shopping, food and friends. Works ok for me. So the Etsy shop is so near completion that I could just scream. It will be launched by December 5th so that you can get all your Christmas shopping in - I promise!

OooOO so super amazing, awesome, killer thing happened on Black Friday. I was able to finally get a smart phone (which will keep me super organized, make me lots of lists and accept credit cards on the spot for all my sales) oh and the phone... it was free. Thank you Best Buy!

Alright, I have a never ending to-do list. Keep in mind if you have something you really want made for Christmas let me know. I still have room for plenty of original orders! (remember they are no extra cost... just cost of materials plus minimal labor)


Monday, November 15, 2010


Seriously best night ever.

Dunn Bros One-Stop-Shop night on 45th street was a huge success! After 3 weeks of checking out of the world and never blogging I can honestly say that the night was amazing.

Thank you for coming out, thank you for buying things and thank you for complementing my creations. I feel amazingly blessed!

I will have an etsy store coming in the next 2 weeks. So please check back! If you saw something you like or have an idea of something you want made please please please don't be afraid to contact me. I ship anything for free... well unless you order bricks, then we will have to talk :)

Maybe I'll see you at Grace Lutheran on Thursday from 5-8 or maybe even in Valley City on Saturday from 9-4. Who knows?!?!?